These 5 Food Items Can Help You To Manage Bad Cholesterol

best foods for cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy and oily substance that is used to fuel our body to build cells and manufacture vitamins and other hormones etc. Liver makes all the cholesterol that the body requires. But cholesterol is also available in the food we eat mostly in bad cholesterol foods and also in animal products like meat, full-fat dairy, poultry, etc. The heavy saturated and trans fat causes the liver to produce more cholesterol. Saturated fats, such as palm oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil, are found in other foods and can raise “bad” cholesterol. In certain circumstances, these foods are the primary cause of excessive cholesterol levels. Morden food is filled with cholesterol and rising levels which resulted in an epidemic of health issues.

Despite the fact that some experts dispute the direct link between high blood cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease, major organisations such as the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute maintain that high blood cholesterol levels play a role in the development of conditions such as atherosclerosis, carotid artery disease, coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, peripheral artery disease, and sudden cardiac arrest.

Causes of cholesterol: 


Your total and LDL cholesterol levels rise as a result of the trans fats, saturated fats, sugar, and (to a lesser extent) cholesterol in the bad cholesterol foods you consume.


Being overweight can cause a rise in LDL cholesterol and a decrease in HDL cholesterol. Your rising weight may be indicated by high blood pressure and bad cholesterol foods.


Smoking harms your blood vessels, increasing the likelihood of fatty deposits building up. Additionally, it reduces HDL levels or “good” cholesterol. For advice on how to stop smoking, consult your doctor or look online. An excellent starting point is the CDC’s smoking website.

Type 2 diabetes: 

Research indicates that form 2 diabetes can increase triglycerides, a different type of cholesterol while lowering levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL). Two of the main causes of the condition are an unhealthy diet and insufficient exercise.

High blood pressure: 

Although it doesn’t cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure frequently manifests itself in those who already have it. This is so because many of the risk factors are similar, such as obesity, age, poor diet, and lack of exercise. Additionally, these disorders increase the chance of developing heart disease, which is the primary cause of high cholesterol-related fatalities.

Simply taking medications is insufficient for someone with bad cholesterol. People must become more thoughtful about their lifestyle choices as a result of these chronic illnesses. Making lifestyle adjustments can help one manage their bad cholesterol. Nmami Agarwal, a nutritionist, says that few straightforward food items can help this medical issue. Additionally, these culinary items are widely available in Indian families. The dietitian listed five items that can be consumed to lower harmful cholesterol for us. These food items are nutrient-dense and beneficial for this medical condition. Take note of these foods that are beneficial for those with bad cholesterol.


Food isn’t just made to taste better by adding garlic to it. Additionally, it offers health advantages, particularly when it comes to high bad cholesterol.

Garlic consumption reduces cholesterol in people by about 90%.

Coriander seeds

Most Indian kitchens contain coriander seeds. They are used in many Indian cuisines because they not only have flavour but are also good for one’s health and best foods for cholesterol.

Agents that reduce cholesterol are present in coriander seeds. It contains cholesterol-beneficial elements such folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and beta carotene.

Fenugreek seeds

Apart from being used as a flavoring agent, fenugreek seeds have great medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamin E and is good for diabetic patients.

Whole Grains

Around The World, Whole Grains Are Becoming More And More Popular. Additionally, They Have A Variety Of Health Advantages. Because They Include Significant Levels Of Soluble Fibre, Whole Grains Like Barley And Oats Are Beneficial For Lowering Harmful Cholesterol. 


One of the most undervalued dietary groups in our diet is vegetables. They are the ideal food for people with high levels of bad cholesterol because they are low in calories, high in fiber, and antioxidants. Increase your intake of veggies like carrots, eggplant, and bhindi to reduce your bad  Cholesterol.

Also Read:- 7 Delicious Vegetables That Are Great for Weight Loss



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